Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reactions to baby

When told about baby, most people first politely say congrats and then depending on the crowd sometimes the next question is whether or not this was planned. I love how one of my co-workers put it - "Was this an Oops baby?" However, the majority of the time the first question asked is if we are moving to a different apartment.

For those who don't know, we live in a studio. If it were listed on a rental site our apartment would probably be described with words such as 'charming' or 'cozy' which translates to tiny. I don't know the square footage but one of these days I will measure our apartment and let you know how valuable each bit of space really is.

Most people think that our apartment is too small for two people much less three but here's what I think.

1. Living in our studio has been the best thing for our marriage. There's no slamming doors when you are mad or sleeping in separate rooms. Fights can't last too long when your boxing arena is only 10x20.

2. I love being able to whisper from any corner of the aparment and know that Danny can hear me (sometimes he doesn't listen but that's a different issue).

3. We do lots of things together that we might not do if we lived in a bigger place. We watch the same TV shows (we don't have room for two TVs). We go to bed at the same time (usually much later than I would prefer). We hardly have any secrets because even if we are having a "private telephone conversation" the most private place is the bathroom (which is not sound proof).

4. I know exactly where everything is in our apartment because there aren't too many places that things can hide. It may not be easy to get to that box which has 5 other boxes stacked on top, but I can tell you exactly what is in it.

And in conclusion, the average length of a newborn is 19 to 21 inches so we are confident that we have sufficient space.