Friday, February 25, 2011

Star Performer

My boss said I'm doing such a great job that....
I'm getting a parking space!

I laughed so hard I died.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Joys of Corporate America

Two things I'm enjoying right now:

1) Candy bars masquerading as health bars.
2) Warm paper fresh off the copy machine. Reminds me of when my mom would pull a blanket out of the dryer and lay it on top of me.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Drawer of Dreams

It's winter and the best time to remain indoors. I love sloshing through the dark streets after work and knowing that the best party is right at home. However with all this time partying on our 20x5 foot dance floor(aka our apartment) this leads to an urge to declutter and organize. It's been a lot easier to purge this season because I realized if I own something that I haven't used while we've lived in our apartment then I know I haven't used it in 3 whole years! Items like that are just stunting my potential.

One problem used to be that shirts would get disorganized in my drawers after continually pulling out shirts from the bottom of tall piles. Also, I would mostly rotate through the same shirts week after week because they were always placed on top after laundry day. Season after season I would forget to wear items because they would get crumpled and swallowed up at the bottom of the drawer.
My solution: file the shirts in drawers. I can see everything at a glance and the piles aren't falling over every time I remove a shirt. I highly recommend you try this because you have nothing to lose.