I am a maker of lists. At any given time I have on average 5 lists floating around but it's not out of the ordinary for me to have many more. The lists are mostly found written in a notebook which resides in my bag, but other lists can be found on post-its stuck to the fridge, scraps of paper on the counter, drafts composed in my inbox, spreadsheets printed on my office desk...you get the picture. Ask Danny. I rarely go to the grocery store without a shopping list and I always have a to-do list over a three-day weekend (which reminds me that I should add to the one I have for this 4th of July weekend). I have a running list of long term projects that I am working on and another running list of things I have yet to do in the city that I want to do. Then there are lists for short term tasks like what am I going to clean this week.
One reason I love writing lists is because then I don't have to keep that valuable information in my head. I attribute my great sleeping habits to my constant list writing (and my Dad) because I don't have to stay up thinking of the things I need/want to get done/buy because I know they are safely written down on some scrap of paper. Another reason lists are great for a gal like me is because I like to cross things off. I'm very busy and am constantly working on something. When I am able to cross something off a list it's as if I've progressed and accomplished way more than just the task at hand.
Now that Danny and I are used to each other's quirks, he frequently asks "what's on my list". This question is appropriate in most situations and while he doesn't expect me to pull out a sheet of paper with an actual list he can pretty much bet that I have one and can produce it if necessary.