Thursday, May 20, 2010

I Owe Explanations

Most mattresses need to be rotated to achieve their maximum usable life. Rather than follow this recommendation the conventional way, every couple of months Danny and I rotate ourselves. We are currently slumbering with our heads at the foot of the bed and I imagine at the end of the summer we will revert to sleeping the correct way. This causes some issues with waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but the benefit for rotating ourselves is three-fold:

1) Our mattress will last longer. We of course want our mattress to last forever. That purchase was like buying a small car.
2) In order to watch TV from our bed we have to lie with our heads at the foot. This makes summer-time one big sleepover with many late night Law and Order episodes.
3) In the summer-time the person with their head closest to the window is about 2 inches away from the air conditioner. This is the true reason we rotate because no one wants ice cold cheeks even if it is 100 degrees outside.