Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Little Artist

Yesterday Danny wasn't supposed to come home until midnight after basketball. So, since Declan only took one nap and our combined moods were cranky, tired and ready to shelf the day, I decided to bathe and put him to bed at 6:30pm. That's super early in our house because he usually isn't in bed until around 8:30pm. So you can imagine my surprise and the chuckles we shared when 2 minutes after I left Declan in his crib Danny waltzed in the front door. He surveyed the room confused as to why it was so quiet and there wasn't a little boy running a muck. 

Today has been much more pleasant. Don't know if it's because we are over the molar hill or if it's because I got a great night sleep and I mentally prepared myself for another go.

I've set up our home pretty much so that every space below waist-level is Declan safe. I love that he can explore and get into things that aren't just his toys. I've designated a drawer in our kitchen to house his art supplies - crayons, paper, coloring books, playdoh, stickers, etc and it has been so fun for him to bring things to me and initiate art time