Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Out of town and Overwhelmed

One of the things I love about our city is the shock value. Take an out-of-towner to Times Square and guaranteed they will be in awe of the bright lights, huge advertisements, enormous amounts of people, fast moving taxis, noise and naked cowboy. Sometimes, they even feel a little overwhelmed by this experience. Danny and I on the other hand, we walk down Times Square and feel right at home. Our local Redbox is in the center of it all.

But, as Manhattanites, we too have places that bring a shock equivalent to the one described above. Danny and I went "out of town" on Saturday and visited the Target in the Bronx. As we strolled down aisle after aisle, Danny paused mid-step, slowly turned to me and hesitantly whispered, "I feel very overwhelmed".

With all the low prices, large packages of food, spacious aisles, full sized shopping carts, every item imaginable and the pure desire to never leave... you could say we were out of our element. I fared a little better than the husband because you can't take suburbia out of this city gal, but Danny grew up in a small town and did not frequent Target as much in his childhood.

Oh how we wish there was a Target in Times Square. It would bring shock to New Yorkers and a little bit of home to our beloved tourists.