Monday, February 1, 2010

Lessons Learned

Personal Comments on the closet cleanse:

  • Not only did I have to keep in mind do I wear something, but should I be wearing it. Let's just say I had some black shirts that were well beyond faded.
  • If the only reason to keep something is to wear it as a joke it is not qualified to reside in my closet.
  • I should have done this after the wash. It's easy to organize the clothes you have in your closet when a month's worth of laundry is stuffed in a basket.
  • Shopping in my closet would be a dream for most gals. I had millions of items in pristine condition - especially shoes.
  • Some unqualified items may have weaseled their way back onto the rack. My hopes are that when I swap out my summer clothes these items wont make a home in the luggage underneath my bed.
  • And lastly, I have discovered another reason to look forward to summer - clothes are smaller and easier to contain, bring on the shorts and short sleeves!

Fun Fact: We have 3 closets in our apartment. Quite the treasure in our neck of the woods. This is the largest of the three and I have it all to myself.