Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Guy Has No Heart

One great thing about having a husband with a desk job is that he's at the computer all day and I can chat with him online whenever I want.

The other day I found some size 1 diapers in a changing pad that we don't use frequently. Declan is currently wearing size 2 (one size bigger) so of course I ran to the computer to let Danny know that a weep fest would shortly ensue. Can my baby really be growing up this fast? NO!! As I relayed the tragedy to Danny of course his response was, "Can he still wear size 1?" Oh my sweet husband was trying to find a remedy to my deep despair by showing me that our little baby could still wear the smaller size! (Declan does fit the smaller size because sizes overlap in weight). When I told him that he could indeed still wear them he concluded, "Good, because I almost weeped over possibly wasted diapers."

The guy has no heart.