Friday, January 20, 2012

Jeans Friday

Every day I complete at least one random task. Refill all the hand soap dispensers, clean out the junk drawer, etc. Today, Declan and I tried on all the jeans in my closet. Really it was just me, but I like to pretend Declan is interested in organizing and not just making messes. The purpose of this task was to see if there were any jeans I should throw out or give away. Declan has his eye on my closet so I'm in the process of purging.

I have a total of 11 pairs of jeans. I'm not sure how this compares to the average gal's closet but for a simple girl like me that wears the same pair all the time, I have no idea why I own so many. I tried on every one of them - putting 3 aside as my "wait until I lose that last remaining 5 pounds of pregnancy weight" and the rest were in the "okay I understand the value I saw in these when they were acquired" category. In the end I put back on my go-to jeans and realized once again that I am a simple gal and only really need one comfy pair of jeans. Well, let's call it two just in case Declan spits up all over me and washing is not an option.

I'll try all the jeans on again with a second eye later because I'm thinking I need to send 3-4 to a new home.