Monday, January 30, 2012

Third Trimester

As my due date neared my feet and calves became more and more swollen. Every night Danny would massage what he termed "boats". Super sensitive, I know. Don't worry he made up for it the second day home from the hospital when he was sitting at the foot of the bed and exclaimed, "Look at those legs!" He was genuinely shocked at how good they looked.

We spent this time hunkering down and watching many hours of LOST. It is possible that subconsciously Declan's middle name came from one of the actors.

I do not miss the heartburn. Even now I'm eating foods that I used to love but had avoided for so long.

Throughout my pregnancy I read tons of books on pregnancy. What I should have been doing during the last trimester was reading books on newborns and what to do with them once they arrive. I was clearly in la la land when I thought that with all those hours of nursing I would be able to read about newborns once he got here. What I didn't realize was that I would mostly be feeding him with my eyes closed.