Thursday, January 26, 2012

One Handed Laundry

Sounds like it should be an Olympic Sport.

So if you can imagine the horror - we don't have laundry in our apartment. We don't even have laundry in our building! We have to truck down the street and around the corner to do the laundry. Hence my recent quandary - How am I supposed to do laundry with Declan in tow? As of late we've just been doing it on Saturdays every other week but it ends up taking forever and Danny usually has to do it. So I've been thinking a lot about how I would tackle that task with a baby. Now, this task would be a lot easier say if the laundromat closed later and I could do it after Danny gets home and was here to be with Declan but nope, it closes at 9pm. Oh I've dreamed of an elevator where I could just whisk my baby, me and a mound of dirty clothes out the front door but again, wishful thinking.

Which brings me to today. In the past, our laundry was pushed to a necessity when we ran out of underwear. Nowadays we are forced to do it when we run out of burp cloths (that little D is a spitter and can soak one in two seconds). So today I attempted a white load. Just a single load to test the waters of one handed laundry with a baby. I say one handed because with all that bending and leaning you have to have one hand on your baby's head/neck so as not to jostle him around too much.

And what was the outcome? Success! We now have clean whites and a healthy stack of burp cloths for Declan to destroy.

The chore became exponentially delightful when the kind laundromat employee put all the wet clothes in the dryer for me and then pushed my cart out the door and down the step as I was leaving. Hence one-handed laundry in our neighborhood is a team sport. Maybe next time I can get him to fold them as well?

Dare I attempt the darks tomorrow...